Glittering Icelandic Music Awards ceremony took place last night

Katrína Mogensen, singer of Mammút won singer of the year …

Katrína Mogensen, singer of Mammút won singer of the year award. On her left, Mammút bassist Ása Dýradóttir. Jóhannesson

Óperusöngvarar, rapparar, söngvarar, söngkonur, tónskáld, lagahöfundar auk fjölda annarra sem tengjast íslensku tónlistarlífi komu saman á Íslensku tónlistarverðlaununum fyrir tónlistarárið 2017 sem veitt voru í Hörpu í kvöld. Kynnir hátíðarinnar var Halldór Halldórsson, eða Dóri DNA, og þakkaði hann konum í tónlistarheiminum sem stigu fram, líkt og konur í mörgum öðrum stéttum, undir merkjum #metoo-byltingarinnar. „Þið breyttuð heiminum,“ sagði Halldór.

The Icelandic Music Awards took place at Harpa Concert Hall tonight. Opera singers, rappers, rock musicians and composers turned up at the glitzy event. Composer and conducter Daníel Bjarnason received the most amount of awards, three in total as well as an achievement award for his contribution to Icelandic music.

Icelandic band Mammút received three awards; best singer, best song and album of the year.  Pop song of the year went to Nýdönsk for their song Stundum. Best rap album and best rap song of the year went to artist Joey Christ.

Daníel Ágúst Haraldsson won pop singer of the year award.

Daníel Ágúst Haraldsson won pop singer of the year award. Jóhannesson

Joey Christ won record of the year and song of …

Joey Christ won record of the year and song of the year in the rap category. Jóhannesson

JóiPé og Króli komu iðandi ferskir og sprækir inn á tónlistarsenuna á síðasta ári þegar þeir sprengdu vinsældarskalann með B.O.B.A. og heilluðu alla tónlistaraðdáendur upp úr skónum. Árið var þeirra og framkoma þeirra og fas lét engan ósnortinn og því kemur það ekki á óvart að þeir hafi fengið verðlaun sem tónlistarflytjandi ársins 2017. Performer of the year went to the young rappers JóiPé og Króli.

Mammút celebrate their win.

Mammút celebrate their win. Jóhannesson

JóiPé og Króli won performer of the year.

JóiPé og Króli won performer of the year. Jóhannesson

This year was the first year that Icelandic folk music was awarded. Best folk album of the year was Snorri Helgason's Margt býr í þokunni.

Auður won electronic song of the year and video of …

Auður won electronic song of the year and video of the year. Jóhannesson

Pianist Víkingur Heiðar Ólafsson received two awards in the classical music awards category; for his event at Harpa performing the works of Philip Glass and as performer of the year.   Hann fékk verðlaun fyrir tónlistarviðburð ársins fyrir tónleika sína í Eldborg með verkum. Classical singer award of the year went to Ólafur Kjartan Sigurðarson and Dísella Lárusdóttir.

Snorri Helgason received two awards for his folk album Margt …

Snorri Helgason received two awards for his folk album Margt býr í þokunni. Jóhannesson

Bjartasta vonin í poppi, rokki, rappi og raf var tilnefnd af starfsfólki Rásar 2 eins og undanfarin ár. Kosning fór fram á vef Rásar 2. Það var hljómsveitin Between Mountains sem hlaut verðlaunin í ár en sveitina skipa tvær sextán og sautján ára stelpur frá Vestfjörðum - þær Katla Vigdís Vernharðsdóttir og Ásrós Helga Guðmundsdóttir. Brightest hope award in the pop, rock, rap and electronic sector went to Between Mountains, a band formed by a sixteen year old and a seventeen year old from the West Fjords.

Stuðmenn received the honorary award for their contribution to Icelandic pop music.

Dísella Lárusdóttir won singer of the year for classical and …

Dísella Lárusdóttir won singer of the year for classical and contemporary music. Jóhannesson

Stuðmenn received an honorary award.

Stuðmenn received an honorary award. Jóhannesson




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