Rauður Raunveruleiki

Rauður Raunveruleiki

Chris Smalls is the president of the recently formed Amazon labor union. He participated in the yearly Socialist Congress of the Icelandic Socialist party alongside the president of the largest Icelandic union, Efling ,Sólveig Anna Jónsdóttir. The congress discussed the struggle of the working class in modern times. We had a talk with Chris about his experience fighting for Amazon workers, the struggle of the working class in the United States and how that reflects the international fight for freedom and justice. Anita Da Silva Bjarnadóttir, Sanna Magdalena Mörtudóttir, Karl Héðinn Kristjánsson and Oliver Axfjörð Sveinsson, from the Icelandic Socialist Party, will be speaking to Chris today. Tune in at 18:00 Solidarity forever!

Amazon Labor Union and international solidarity / Chris SmallsHlustað

18. mar 2024