Tæknilega séð - Origo hlaðvarpið

Tæknilega séð - Origo hlaðvarpið

Show Notes Every country in the world is striving to look after their aging populations whilst maintaining the affordability of their health systems. Iceland is not alone in this challenge, between 2010 and 2020 the population of people over 80 in Iceland has increased by more than 2000 to 12,600. Further more the population aged between 60 and 79 has increased by 16700 to 60,300. This has happened whilst the population between the ages of 0 and 20 has remained static (https://www.statista.com/statistics/594621/total-population-in-iceland-by-age/)  In addition Covid-19 accelerated the need for governments to look for ways to care for their elderly populations outside of the acute healthcare system where catching Covid-19 could be fatal.    In this episode we interview Helen Dempster Founder of Karantis360 and Andrew Carr Chief Commercial Officer. Karantis360 is a healthcare technology platform that helps support people living longer in their own homes and integrates clinical and social care using AI and IoT.    Closing Notes Before you go we need your help, while we will be bringing ideas and stories from around the world we want to share stories of Icelandic innovation. If you feel you or your organisation has an idea they would like to share please contact us. We would love to have you as a guest on an upcoming podcast.Please email gudrun.kristinsdottir@origo.is if you are interested in being a guest on the podcast.

Karantis360 - Helping the aging population live at home for longerHlustað

27. nóv 2020