The Bla Bla Bunker

The Bla Bla Bunker

Isaac Starobin owns Dirty Dog Barbeque in Prague, a very popular place that sells traditional American barbeque food. Born in Yonkers New York Isaac's plan was to become a lawyer but he found out that he liked his part time job in a "shitty" bar and grill more than he liked school so he changed course and went to culinary school and then on to work at a Michelin star restaurant in New York City where the love was tough, very tough.   He came to Prague for a holiday and got stuck like most expats do, started his business journey there where he ran a successful bar that he later sold. Only to venture on to open a restaurant which went bust and he was left with nothing but a grill and he started a food truck operation taking his truck anywhere that he could find mouths to feed.  That eventually became Dirty Dog   Isaac does not love cooking, he loves the buzz, the action, the adrenaline and cooking dead meat of an animal on an open fire gives him a chance to connect with his inner caveman...   We went all over the place in our talks, hearing is believing.

EP48 Law School, Sleazy Bars, Gastro Life And A Dirty Dog - Isaac StarobinHlustað

26. des 2021