Eftir að fyrsta sólóplata söng- og leikkonunnar, Chlöe Bailey, seldist í aðeins 10.000 eintökum voru aðdáendur stúlkunnar fljótir að kenna söngkonunni Beyoncé um.
Beyoncé hefur þjálfað og leiðbeint Bailey og systur hennar, Halle Bailey, frá unga aldri og eru þær báðar á samningi hjá Parkwood Entertainment sem var stofnað af Beyoncé árið 2008.
Margir bjuggust þar af leiðandi við að Beyoncé myndi aðstoða við að auglýsa plötuna og auka þannig söluna en svo var ekki og hafa því margir deilt óánægju sinni á Twitter.
Plata Bailey, In Pieces, sem kom út þann 31. mars, lenti í 119. sæti á Billboard–200 listanum.
Beyoncé literally hates her lol didn’t do anything for the album couldn’t even give her a feature and she not even opening up for her during the tour 😭😭 Chloe need to leave that label. https://t.co/0ofmNRwPnW
— Niko Maraj (@OneOfNickis9s) April 10, 2023
Beyoncé nasty for not promoting Chloe’s album 😭 a simple IG repost would’ve probably gave Chloe a top 50 debut.
— trey 〽️ (@honest_papito) April 10, 2023
mind you if this was Nicki’s artist, they would’ve dragged her to hell and back
not to be funny, but I really wanna know what was the point of Beyoncé signing chloe? like was it for a look? so that someone can be under her? I don't get it, cause how do you let your artist drop an album & you don't support it not once & now she sold 10k 😭
— 𝓛𝓔𝓧 (@1lex___) April 10, 2023