Úkraínski herinn hefur beðið almenning um að taka niður skilti sem vísa til vegar til þess að villa um fyrir rússneska hernum.
John Hudson, blaðamaður hjá Washington Post, greindi frá þessu á Twitter.
Ukraine’s armed forces just posted this message to the public:
— John Hudson (@John_Hudson) February 26, 2022
In order to confuse and disorient the enemy who is illegally moving on the roads of Ukraine, we call on citizens to take the following initiative:" ... 1/2
Þá tísti Richard Engel, blaðamaður hjá NBC News, að hann hafi séð Úkraínumenn taka niður skilti.
Just watched Ukrainians tear down road signs in an effort to confuse advancing Russian troops. pic.twitter.com/jMBH38UqlG
— Richard Engel (@RichardEngel) February 26, 2022
James Rothwell, blaðamaður hjá Telegraph, greinir frá því að í stað þess að vísa til vegar hefur verið krotað „gangi ykkur vel“ á skiltin.
On the highway out of Kyiv - the Ukrainians have ripped down the road signs so the Russians get lost and put up another one that says "good luck"
— James Rothwell (@JamesERothwell) February 26, 2022
Þá hefur einnig verið krotað „velkomin til helvítis“ á skiltin.
Now on the road signs the occupiers will be greeted with such inscriptions: "Welcome to HELL" pic.twitter.com/otG7exayJO
— NEXTA (@nexta_tv) February 26, 2022
Fleiri hafa greint frá þessu á Twitter.
On the outskirts of Kyiv today we witnesses several groups of people removing street signs that pointed in the direction of the capital. The point being, of course, not to show Russian tanks the way in.
— Christopher Miller (@ChristopherJM) February 26, 2022