First snow hits Reykjavík

Snow in Bankastræti last april.
Snow in Bankastræti last april. Ómar Óskarsson

The first snow of win­ter came down in parts of Reykja­vík tonig­ht and in many places the ground is now co­v­ered with a fine layer of spark­ling white snow.

Many city dwell­ers have voiced their complaints and confusi­on on Face­book and ot­her social media tonig­ht as they think all of this cold, white stuff is com­ing a bit ear­ly. However, Óli Þór Árna­son at the Icelandic Meteorological Office, says that th­ere is not­hing un­usual about the we­ather at all.

„Peop­le's we­ather-memory is of­ten sim­il­ar to that of a cold­fish,“ Óli Þór said to „The we­ather may not have been this way for the past couple of ye­ars but snow has always arri­ved this ear­ly every now and then and mana­ges to surprise every­bo­dy each time.“

Óli Þór po­ints out that it was only a couple of ye­ars ago that the reg­ulati­on for win­ter tires was changed so that the sea­son starts No­v­em­ber 1st in­stead of the 15th of October. 

The pu­blic will not have to worry about win­ter tires tomorrow though as Óli Þór says the snow will likely have melted by then due to rain.
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