Fjöldi farþega sem var um borð einhverra þeirra Icelandair-véla sem ekki tókst að tæma við lendingu á Keflavíkurflugvelli í morgun hefur harðlega gagnrýnt viðbrögð flugfélagsins og flugvallarins.
Líkt og greint hefur verið frá lentu átta flugvélar Icelandair á Keflavíkurflugvelli í morgun. Þær komu allar frá Norður-Ameríku.
Erfiðlega tókst að tæma vélarnar sökum mikils vinds á flugvellinum. Dæmi er um að fólk hafi setið inn í flugvél í sautján klukkutíma.
Hér að neðan má sjá tíst frá farþegum vélanna. Farþegarnir lýsa því að meðal annars hafi matur og vatn um borð klárast og að ekki hafi verið hægt að nota salernin.
Finally off the plane after 17 hrs for a 4.5hr flight. Missed our excursion and the entire day. No food/drinks. Absolutely ridiculous because of wind and some patchy black ice. Search & Rescue never returned we got towed in @Icelandair @kefairport epic fail
— Kristen Carr (@kriscarr442) January 22, 2023
The fact that we have no food or water or working bathrooms feels like an emergency to me 15 hours in!!
— Kristen Carr (@kriscarr442) January 22, 2023
Get us off this goddamn plane. We have been sitting on the tarmac in Iceland at Keflavik airport for 11 hours! With no food or water! Search and rescue keep saying they are coming!!! @Icelandair @kefairport @IcelandUN @FoxNews @ABC @CNN @EllenDeGeneres @jimmyfallon @POTUS
— Sarah Cole (@SarahColeeeee) January 22, 2023
@Icelandair we have been sitting in our plane for 9 HOURS on the tarmac In Reykjavik waiting to be rescued! This is unacceptable!! You should be prepared for this! Lawsuits will be filed!!!!
— Sarah Cole (@SarahColeeeee) January 22, 2023
After sitting on tarmac in Reykjavik for 11 hours (really!) we are being put up in hotel for the night. But hotel is 1 hour and 20 min by bus from the airport. This is crazy @Icelandair
— JonathanScriven (blue checkmark) (@cjscriven) January 22, 2023
Dear @kefairport
— Mitsaso (@mitsaso) January 22, 2023
Our @Icelandair flight FI614 landed at 6AM today and we are still trapped and waiting in the airplane, 8 hours later... The food has run out and the electricity in the aircraft will soon go out too...
We should be compensated for your lack of action!
at what point does this become an emergency ??? This is lack of emergency preparation on the part of air traffic control and @kefairport . This is a disgrace . @Icelandair should refund all passengers.These flights should have never left for Iceland and should have been postpone
— opesandro (@opesandro) January 22, 2023
Ekki voru þó allir á sama máli um þjónustu flugfélagsins, eins og farþeginn Gréta María Valdimarsdóttir greindi frá í samtali við fyrr í kvöld.