Information for Advertisers

At Morgunblaðið we put great emphasis on providing excellent service to our advertisers, tailored to meet the needs and demands of each customer.

Our staff is always ready to give advice and assistance, whether you would like to advertise in Morgunblaðið or on our website,, or if you would like to explore other print advertising options. We can also provide information on the readership of Morgunblaðið, its supplements and individual sections.

Advertising information (PDF document, 300K)
Classifieds (PDF document, 620K)

Opening Hours: Weekdays 8.00-18.00.

The switchboard is open 8.00-18.00 on weekdays and 8.00-12.00 on Saturdays.

Contact information:
Phone 569-1100
Fax 569-1110

Advertising department email:

If you have any questions or require assistance with placing an ad in our paper, please send us an inquiry by e-mail and we will get back to you as soon as possible.