
Sverrir Vilhelmsson Sverrir Vilhelmsson


Kaupa Í körfu

Tónleikar þýsku raftónlistarsveitarinnar Kraftwerk í Kaplakrika. Áhorfendur um 2.500. Haldið sl. miðvikudag 5. maí. ÞÝSKA hljómsveitin Kraftwerk er fræg fyrir sína tæknidýrkun og margir hafa túlkað tónlist hljómsveitarinnar sem rómantískan átrúnað á framþróun vísindanna, tækninnar, sem enda muni með því að maður og vél renni saman. _______________________________________________ Electronic music legends Kraftwerk did a concert on the 5th of May in Kaplakriki (Hafnafjörður Sports Hall). Kraftwerk is currently touring the world to follow up their 'Tour De France Soundtracks' LP, which is their first album with new material in 17 years. The tour has already taken them through Scandinavia and the UK, where most shows have been sold out well in advance. Before they come to Iceland they will have gone to Japan and the US and will be coming straight from the Coachella Music and Arts-festival in California, where they are headlining with Radiohead and Pixies. Their next single 'Aerodynamik' was released on the 23rd of March. This is the track they played in their memorable performance at the MTV European Music Awards last November. The show place in Kaplakriki (Hafnafjörður Sports Hall) on the 5th of May.

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