
Einar Falur Ingólfsson


Kaupa Í körfu

A Swiss who calls himself Shin Shiva, claims to be the god Shiva reborn. He has some following of Indians and western believers. Kumbh Mela, Allahabad, India. The most aspicious bathing day, January 24, 2001. The holiest day for a dip at the Sangam, the confluence of rivers Ganges, Jamuna and the mysterious Saraswarti for 144 years. Estimated 30 million pilgrims turned up for the day, the biggest gathering of people because of a single event knows in the history of man. All together estimated 70 million turned up for the six week Mela, or festival. Svissneskur maður sem kveðst guðinn Svíva endurfæddur, stígur hér guðlegan dans fyrir fylgismenn sína, sem eru bæði indverskir og af vestrænu bergi brotnir. Þar á meðal eru bandarískir auðmenn

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