Már Wolfgang Mixa

Már Wolfgang Mixa

Dósent í fjármálum við Háskóla Íslands.

Nýlegar greinar:

People Need Housing to Live in - https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/02673037.2024.2339920

Þú veist ekki hvaða húsnæði þú ferð í næst - https://www.dropbox.com/s/82in2fz3uzcll7w/tvisynileiki%20og%20upplifun%20leigenda.pdf?dl=0

Nations of Bankers & Brexiteers - https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/epub/10.1177/03063968211033525

Stýrði rannsóknum á fjárfestingum sparisjóðanna við gerð Skýrslu rannsóknarnefndar Alþingis um rannsókn á aðdraganda og örsökum erfiðleika og falls sparisjóðanna, 2013-2014.

Dósent í fjármálum við Háskóla Íslands

Stjórnarmaður í Almenna

Besta ráðgjöfin: "When there is a stock-market boom, and everyone is scrambling for common stocks, take all your common stocks and sell them. ... No doubt the stocks you sold will go higher. Pay no attention to this -- just wait for the (recession), which will come sooner or later. When this (recession) -- or panic -- becomes a national catastrophe ... buy back the stocks. No doubt the stocks will go still lower. Again pay no attention. Wait for the next boom. Continue to repeat this operation as long as you live, and you'll have the pleasure of dying rich." Fred Schwed, 1940

Már Wolfgang Mixa

Már Wolfgang Mixa

Dósent í fjármálum við Háskóla Íslands.

Nýlegar greinar:

People Need Housing to Live in - https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/02673037.2024.2339920

Þú veist ekki hvaða húsnæði þú ferð í næst - https://www.dropbox.com/s/82in2fz3uzcll7w/tvisynileiki%20og%20upplifun%20leigenda.pdf?dl=0

Nations of Bankers & Brexiteers - https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/epub/10.1177/03063968211033525

Stýrði rannsóknum á fjárfestingum sparisjóðanna við gerð Skýrslu rannsóknarnefndar Alþingis um rannsókn á aðdraganda og örsökum erfiðleika og falls sparisjóðanna, 2013-2014.

Dósent í fjármálum við Háskóla Íslands

Stjórnarmaður í Almenna

Besta ráðgjöfin: "When there is a stock-market boom, and everyone is scrambling for common stocks, take all your common stocks and sell them. ... No doubt the stocks you sold will go higher. Pay no attention to this -- just wait for the (recession), which will come sooner or later. When this (recession) -- or panic -- becomes a national catastrophe ... buy back the stocks. No doubt the stocks will go still lower. Again pay no attention. Wait for the next boom. Continue to repeat this operation as long as you live, and you'll have the pleasure of dying rich." Fred Schwed, 1940
