Opið bréf til þjóðarinnar

Geir Haarde fær hrós fyrir góða enskukunnáttu.
Geir Haarde fær hrós fyrir góða enskukunnáttu.

Adrian Brain er Breti sem hefur heimsótt Ísland og vill hann biðja þjóðina afsökunar á því  svívirðilega framferði sem Gordon Brown sýndi þjóðinni í síðustu viku.

Í opnu bréfi segir hann að margir Bretar séu sammála honum og að Brown hafi ekki talað fyrir þeirra hönd. Brain endar bréfið á að hrósa Geir Haarde fyrir góða enskukunnáttu og segir að hans bíði starf sem enskukennara á Bretlandi þurfi hann á því að halda.

Bréfið í heild sinni:


I am English and can neither read nor speak Icelandic, though I have visited your amazing island.

However, I wish to apologise to Iceland and its people for the disgraceful behaviour of my (unelected!) Prime Minister Gordon Brown in the last week.

What Mr Brown said and did was deeply offensive to many of my countrymen who bear Icelanders no ill-will whatsoever; it was done in my name but was merely a vindictive and vicious attack by someone (unelected) who has been in charge of our economy and the regulators for eleven years and has done more damage to our country than anyone else, banker or not. For his personal ambition.

And he has expressed not one word of remorse nor accepted one bit of blame for what he has done to us, to my country, or to yours.

Please accept an apology from me instead.

Adrian Brain.

ps If you have to sack your prime minister please send him here as an English teacher as he speaks my language most beautifully, better than 99% of Britons!


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