Still no confirmation of an ongoing eruption

Th­ere is still no con­fir­mati­on of an ongo­ing erupti­on, or that an erupti­on has taken place, in NA Vatna­jök­ull. Civil Protecti­on science bo­ard is meet­ing now to consult on the issue.

Gra­ben/​depressi­on (fract­ur­es and sinkho­les) have been con­fir­med in NV Vatna­jök­ull between Bárðarbunga and Grím­svötn. The depressi­on is estima­ted to be 4-6 km long. The water is on the waters­hed of Grím­svötn and Jök­ulsá á Fjöll­um.
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