Amazing photos from the eruption

Photo from the eruption.
Photo from the eruption. Ljósmynd/Ármann Höskuldsson

The Institu­te of Earth Science at the Uni­versity of Ice­land posted these pretty amaz­ing photos of rock formati­ons at the erupti­on cra­ter. For more in­formati­on on the erupti­on, have a look at our news comp­ilati­on of the events.

Ljós­mynd/Á​rmann Hösk­ulds­son
Ljós­mynd/Á​rmann Hösk­ulds­son
Ljós­mynd/Á​rmann Hösk­ulds­son
Ljós­mynd/Á​rmann Hösk­ulds­son
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