Margir stuðningsmenn Manchester United eru mjög óhressir með Svíann Zlatan Ibrahimovic eftir leikinn gegn Chelsea á Stamford Bridge í dag.
Margir stuðningsmenn Manchester United brugðust illa við þegar þeir sáu Svíann skælbrosandi taka í höndina á Eden Hazard eftir leikinn og hafa treyjuskipti við leikmann Chelsea en eftir góða byrjun með Manchester-liðinu hefur Zlatan ekki náð að skora í fimm leikjum í röð.
Hér má sjá nokkur viðbrögð stuðningsmanna United sem þeir skrifuðu á twitter síður sínar.
Ibrahimovic smiling hugging hazard after the game think I'm done with football me 😷
— Steven Yarwood (@steyards10) October 23, 2016
Annoying getting dicked 4-0 and seeing Ibrahimovic smiling as if nothing had happened
— Kyle (@kylemorris96) October 23, 2016
Ibrahimovic walking off the pitch smiling what the fuck is that about. Some boys on the side need to take a good hard luck at them selves
— LynchBurg (@ConorLynch16) October 23, 2016
Ibrahimovic walking off the pitch laughing and smiling!! If that was me id be absolutely fuming. Wouldn't see Rooney doing that!!
— Aaron Steadman (@AaronSteadman1) October 23, 2016
Ibrahimovic should be benched for being complacent and smiling after the match.
— Sarmad (@Beardaestro) October 23, 2016